
We’re leading the way to keep water cool and clean.

We’re leading the way to keep water cool and clean.

Taking the lead by protecting
60,000 miles of streams

Taking the lead by protecting
60,000 miles of streams

Our foresters use modern forestry practices like buffer zones that provide shade, reduce erosion and filters sediment to keep water cool and clean.

Our foresters use modern forestry practices like buffer zones that provide shade, reduce erosion and filters sediment to keep water cool and clean.

Journey with us through a working forest.


Journey with us through a working forest.

Chapter 1

Follow salmon as they navigate a challenging course from the ocean to the streams where they were born.

Chapter 2

Working Foresters are protecting fish habitat while supplying a sustainable supply of forest products.

Chapter 3

See why protecting fish habitat on streams where salmon are returning is our highest priority.

Chapter 1

Follow salmon as they navigate a challenging course from the ocean to the streams where they were born.

Chapter 2

Working Foresters are preserving fish habitat while supplying a sustainable supply of forest products.

Chapter 3

See why preserving fish habitat on streams where salmon are returning should be our highest priority.

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Following the lead of science

Following the lead of science

The Forests & Fish Law is a landmark collaboration including science-based forest practice regulations that guide the protection of more than 60,000 miles of streams running through 9.3 million acres of state and private forestland.

The Forests & Fish Law is a landmark collaboration including science-based forest practice regulations that guide the protection of more than 60,000 miles of streams running through 9.3 million acres of state and private forestland.

See how working forests work for all of us

See how working forests work for all of us