
Growing trees that produce climate friendly wood products.​

Growing trees that produce climate friendly wood products.​


Harvest & Replant. There’s good in the cycle. Because managing our forests means less catastrophic wildfires by reducing disease and decay. It also ensures stronger local economies by supporting businesses far beyond the forest. And because foresters plant three trees for every one harvested, we’re all assured a sustainable supply of carbon-friendly wood products today and tomorrow.

Managing TO Ensure Renewable Resources
For Today and Tomorrow.

Harvest & Replant. There’s good in the cycle. Because managing our forests means less catastrophic wildfires by reducing disease and decay. It also ensures stronger local economies by supporting businesses far beyond the forest. And because foresters plant three trees for every one harvested, we’re all assured a sustainable supply of carbon-friendly wood products today and tomorrow.

Managing our forests means less catastrophic wildfiresby reducing disease and decay. The work we do year-round to keep our forests healthy means they are 2/3 less likely to suffer from catastrophic wildfires.

“Less Wildfire”

“Local Economies”

Managing our forests ensures stronger local economies by creating job opportunities within the forest, as well as supporting businesses far beyond it. Many in our region benefit from sustained and responsible forest management.

Managing our forests ensures a sustainable supply of carbon-storing wood products. Having these resources in steady supply means people will be able to build affordable housing in Washington state and beyond—which benefits all of us.


Washington's Working Forests Keep Your Community Thriving.

From creating jobs that provide livelihoods to generating revenue that keeps school doors open, working forests and other Washington State industries are making a difference. See how working forests work for all of us.

From creating jobs that provide livelihoods to generating revenue that keeps school doors open, working forests and other Washington State industries are making a difference.

Journey through a working forest

Take a tour through a working forest. Follow the salmon journey through the forest, identify fish and non-fish streams, learn the life cycle of a tree, discover riparian zones, and visit upland wildlife.

Take a tour through a working forest. Follow the salmon journey through the forest, identify fish and non-fish streams, learn the life cycle of a tree, discover riparian zones, and visit upland wildlife.

What's your CO2 IQ?

Are you aware of Washington’s working forests’ role in the planet’s carbon solution? Take this interactive quiz to test your knowledge.

Are you aware of Washington’s working forests’ role in the planet’s carbon solution? Take this interactive quiz to test your knowledge.

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