We Care About Washington's Working Forests

We're working for a stronger, greener future

A large, diverse community with a common purpose

We are professional men and women foresters, contract loggers, pulp and paper mill workers, small family forestland owners and saw mill operators. Our work sustains a cycle of growth, harvest and production that generates millions of board feet of renewable wood every year in Washington state.  We are united to safeguard the future of sustainable, healthy working forests in Washington and the renewable materials and jobs they provide.

We’re also educators and scientists working toward a more complete understanding of the role of carbon-friendly working forests in providing solutions for some of the problems we face.

We’re building contractors, architects, carpenters and wood products manufacturers. We help meet an ever-growing public demand for renewable wood for use in homes, furnishings and other products.

And we’re recreational users of forest spaces, hunters, hikers and others who want to see all forest managers – including federal and state managers – giving proper attention to practices that promote healthy, pest and fire-resistant forests, management techniques that are already being used in working forests across Washington.

WFPA works with other forestry organizations that represent our community of forestry, timber, milling and wood products companies and workers, such as:

Washington Forest Protection Association

A trade association representing private forest landowners in Washington State whose members are large and small companies, individuals and families who grow, harvest and re-grow trees on almost 4 million acres of timberland.

American Forest Resource Council

A membership organization that includes representatives from: lumber, plywood and other forest products manufacturers; forestland owners; and professionals providing services to the forest products industry.

Society of American Foresters

A national scientific and educational organization representing professional foresters.

Washington Contract Loggers Association

A statewide membership organization providing business assistance to contract loggers.

Northwest Pulp and Paper Association

A regional association representing pulp and paper producers in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Washington Farm Forestry Association

A statewide organization representing small forest land owners.

Washington Tree Farm Program

A national certification program that ensures healthy privately-owned forestlands, representing over 400,000 acres of private forestlands across the state.